10/31/2017 Week in review: in case you missed itFEDERAL NONSENSE ROUND-UP FOR WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 28 2017. |
1. Senate GOP votes to repeal consumer rule About: Consumer rights in relation to the banking industry Excerpt: "The vote reflects the effort of the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to undo regulations that the GOP argues harm the free market. The measure now moves to President Donald Trump’s desk for his signature. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the president applauded the vote. “The rule would harm our community banks and credit unions by opening the door to frivolous lawsuits by special interest trial lawyers,” Sanders said. Democratic lawmakers said the CFPB’s rule would have given consumers more leverage to stop companies from financial wrongdoing. They cited the sales practices at Wells Fargo and the security breach at credit company Equifax as examples of misdeeds protected through forced arbitration." Read More: http://www.marketplace.org/2017/10/25/economy/senate-gop-votes-repeal-consumer-rule Additional Info: The Consumer Federal Protection Bureau was set up in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse/crisis. It is effectively an effort to protect consumers by setting up certain rules that financial companies are to abide by to serve said consumers. Our Thoughts: This is certainly an anti-consumer move and really takes a hatchet to existing rules rather than a scalpel. Something to follow up on would be any less than altruistic interests to "protect" small/community banks and financial institutions... |
2. Unsealed Documents Show That Kris Kobach Is Dead Set on Suppressing the Right to Vote About: The ACLU has found evidence that the investigation on voter rights is really a ruse to take away said rights primarily from non-Trump supporters. Excerpt: "The unsealed materials confirm what many have suspected: Kobach has a ready-made plan to gut core voting rights protections enshrined in federal law. And he has been covertly lobbying Trump’s team and other officials from day one to sell them the falsehood that noncitizens are swinging elections. [...] Here are three big plays from Kobach’s voter suppression playbook. Play 1: Disenfranchise new voters with severe registration restrictions [...] Play 2: If the law doesn’t let you suppress the vote, pull some strings to get rid of the law [...] Play 3: Cover your tracks" Read More: https://www.aclu.org/blog/voting-rights/fighting-voter-suppression/unsealed-documents-show-kris-kobach-dead-set Additional Info: This investigation began as a result of, basically, a tweet from Trump in which he declared some three million illegal immigrants voted against him in the 2016 Presidential election. Our Thoughts: This "investigation" is clearly showing its true colors in favor of the Trump administration *and* against millions of would be legal voters. This is a corruption of the people's voice by suppressing votes. |
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