10/25/2017 Week in review: in case you missed itFEDERAL NONSENSE ROUND-UP FOR WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 21 2017.Week in review compiled by: Shalin M., Represent Maryland Volunteer, Baltimore City and Cristi D., Represent Maryland Chair.
October 2020
CategoriesAll Action Alert Annapolis MD Baltimore County Big Banks Candidate Endorsment Corruption DNC Scandal Drugs Elections EPA FCC Federal Nonsense Get Big Money Out Greenbelt MD Imran Awan Maryland Politics Military Money Laundering Monsanto Net Neutrality President Trump Prison For Profit Public Election Funds Puerto Rico Represent Maryland Sexual Harrasment Sinclair Broadcasting Small Money Certification Takoma Park MD Tax Payer Money Trump Volunteer Spotlight Voter Suppression Wall Street Week In Review |
Paid for by Represent Maryland PAC. Authorized by B Tabatabai, Treasurer Not affiliated with any candidates, campaigns or parties. |